Positive Feedback

In recent months, Warren encountered a significant challenge in manufacturing the V95T hopper and framework for our esteemed customer, Bucher. While this product has been in production for some time, this marked the first occasion we undertook its manufacture in-house, presenting our team with new obstacles to overcome in order to meet delivery requirements.

The hopper attached to the V95t aero project

Just days prior to the scheduled delivery of the initial assembly, we received word that, due to circumstances beyond our control, we would need to produce a second hopper and framework using a different material, and within a significantly tighter timeframe to assist Bucher in resolving a critical situation. This project impacted every facet of our operation, necessitating seamless communication, unwavering teamwork, and unwavering dedication to meet the challenge.

Throughout the process, the lead buyer at Bucher maintained close communication, providing support and guidance every step of the way. Upon completion, the leadership team at Bucher expressed their utmost satisfaction with the outcome. They shared their appreciation with the following statement:

“Just wanted to thank you all for your combined efforts and endeavours throughout both stages of the V95t aero Project. It is testament to all of your hard work that you managed to achieve delivery of the final items for the 2nd build, namely the Hopper, Subframe & Engine Frame Panels, by today (only 4 days beyond the challenging target date you were given).”

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in rallying together to deliver this remarkable project. With this success under our belt, we eagerly look forward to tackling the next challenge that lies ahead. Onward and upward!