The Laser Cell Floor: Paving the Way for Innovation

Exciting developments are on the horizon as we gear up for the installation of our new laser in February/March. As we embark on this journey towards enhanced capabilities and cutting-edge technology, we want to keep you all in the loop about the remarkable preparations taking place behind the scenes. Today, let’s delve into the meticulous groundwork that has gone into strengthening the foundation for our upcoming laser cell.

Groundwork and tower automation: a huge task

Preparing for the installation of our new laser involved reinforcing the ground works to support the tower automation, a crucial component with load points of up to 40 tonnes. This meant that our dedicated ground workers were hard at work over the Christmas period, diligently digging a hole nearly one metre deep. Thank you to those of you who took proactive measures to cover the machines, recognising that the process was not without its share of noise and dust.

Concrete progress: layer by layer

The efforts put into place during the Christmas break bore fruit upon our return. The first layer of concrete was expertly poured into the carefully excavated space, setting the stage for a robust foundation. A week later, the second layer was added, solidifying the groundwork laid by our team. This critical phase of the project required precision, patience, and collaboration, and we are pleased to report that everything is progressing seamlessly.

A note of appreciation

We extend our heartfelt appreciation for the team’s understanding during this period of intense groundwork. Their cooperation has been instrumental in ensuring the success of these preparations. We understand that the noise and dust might have presented some challenges, and their positive attitude and flexibility have not gone unnoticed.

Stay tuned for more updates as we eagerly anticipate the arrival of our cutting-edge laser in the coming months.